It's quite difficult isn't it? Deciding on a blog outlook. I have surfed the net in vain to find a blog template that I like, I have finally settled on this one even though I am not sure I love it. Oh well, don't worry if you see different looks every few days, I am a woman who changes her mind all the time lol.
I have done some more crafting today, I managed to get some hand warmers done, I also did another bracelet for my present box. I shall be posting some pictures real soon.
Tomorrow I shall be posting my rocky road instructions, I have my able assistant taking pictures ( my 9 year old daughter, help us all for the quality lol). See you all tomorrow xx
Due To Continuing Issues With Google Pictures .......
10 months ago
I know exactly what you mean, I'm always changing mine then end up going back to the original one I started with :o)
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